Kicks Books
(A2) KBB MIND OVER MATTER: The Myths & Mysteries of Detroit's Fortune Records (last copies)
MSRP: $100.00$90.00 -
Kicks Books
Kicks Books began by delivering "hip pocket paperbacks", meaning they fit into your hip pocket, like the 20th century paperbacks that we love so very much here at Kicksville. Our first move into roaring 20's (21st century edition of such!) was an attack on the hardcover with our massive Mind Over Matter history of our beloved Fortune Records. We continued with the hardback persuasion with Halbstark Baby-Baby Halbstark and followed that with our current souvenir love-letter from John Mendelssohn to David Bowie in words and photos from 1971. John may difffer with the love-letter bit, so lets finesse that to being OUR love letter to both JM and DB! Dig our backstories about the books and the company here on the 99th floor of the Norton Building. Thanks for your support and watch the skies for our upcoming perusables.